December 23, 2024

Local MMJ News

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At a glance: Muskogee City Council | News

2 min read

During a regular meeting of the city council on Monday, the city councils took the following measures:



• Entitlements for all municipal departments from February 20th to March 5th.

• Final payment to Vance Brothers Inc. for Project # 2020007 of $ 15,983.04.

• Contract with APAC Central Inc. for $ 974,649.10 to repair road emergencies under Emergency Resolution No. 2848.

• Resolution No. 2850 approving certain changes to the benefits of the Muskogee City Health Insurance Plan and making the necessary changes; Approve Resolution No. 2849 Approving Execution of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Administrative Service Contract and all related documents, all of which would come into effect on May 1st; and authorizing the city administrator or his agent to carry out all necessary documents.

• Appointment of Stephanie Morgan for a five-year term on the City Facilities Board effective April 1.


• Approved Ordinance No. 4116-A amending Chapter 54, Offenses and Other Provisions, Article VII, Smoking and Tobacco; Modification of the following sections: 54-311, Tobacco and Steam Products for Minors; Definitions; Amendment 54-312, furnishing, supplying or selling tobacco or steam products to minors; 54-313, receipt of tobacco or steam products by minors; 54-314, proper signage required; 54-315, Notice to Retail Employee; 54-316, restricted access to vending machines; 54-317, Distribution of Tobacco Product or Vapor Product Samples; 54-318, sale of tobacco or steam products, except in their original sealed packaging; 54-319, No public access to tobacco or steam products; 54-320, Enforcement Limitations; 54-321, transfer of material or equipment used for smoking, chewing or tobacco consumption prohibited to minors – fine for violations; 54-322, increase in fines; Fee schedule; Modification of all provisions to comply with age restrictions for access to steam and tobacco products under the Act Preventing Young People’s Access to Tobacco; Provision of a repealer, severability clause and declaration of an emergency.

• Repealed mandate requiring the use of face coverings when entering businesses in Muskogee while further use is recommended and use is required in municipal or commercial facilities.

• Until April 12, following guidelines for permit applications and medical marijuana use at permitted events on the city’s property.

• Approved contract with SVC Enterprises LLC for US $ 112,250 for the exterior refurbishment of six structures funded under the Muskogee Rehabilitation and Revitalization Program.

• Approved Change Order No. 2 for the striping of 43rd, 45th and Hancock Streets and Chandler Road, EDA Project No. 08-01-05030, for Rosscon LLC.

• The $ 780,000 total grant and funding report has been approved for the proposed Grandview Park remediation project and qualification applications have been submitted as part of the next steps and project schedule.

• Appointment of Kimberli Jacquez to a four-year term on the Park and Recreation Committee starting April 1st.

• No action was taken after an Arrowhead Mall LLC style lawsuit against City of Muskogee, CJ-2020-47 pending in Muskogee District Court was discussed and returned to open session.