Delta-8 Vs. Delta-9 THC: How Do These Compare?
7 min read
There was a time when the entire cannabis plant was demonized for its psychoactive effects.
A lot has changed since then. But not for the perpetrator who causes all these hallucinatory, mind-altering, paranoia- and fear-inducing effects!
Scientists have been able to show that not the entire plant is responsible for the psychotropic effects. They were able to isolate Delta-9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) as the compound that ravages the mind and body of consumers. They also concluded that not all forms of THC are responsible for the high-intensity euphoria that often leads to people becoming stoned.
They also found evidence proving that there are several other forms, also known as THC isomers, that in some ways might increase people’s health and wellbeing rather than make them zonken.
When scientists used to refer to THC, they usually meant Delta-9 or D9 THC. But now they make a point of separating the different isomers. One of them is Delta-8 THC.
The chemical difference between Delta-8 THC and Delta-9?
Structurally, Delta-8 is quite similar to Delta-9 THC. For most people, Delta-8 THC is a new compound. But it was discovered along with Delta-9 THC back in 1975. At the same time, it was found that it hinders and reduces the growth of tumor cells in rats.
According to studies by the National Cancer Institute, Delta-8 THC is a tetrahydrocannabinol analog with a slightly different chemical structure. Delta-8 THC has been found to have anxiolytic, neuroprotective, antiemetic, analgesic and appetite stimulating properties. It binds to the G-protein-coupled receptors CB1 and CB2 in the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
However, the binding capacity of Delta-8 to the CB1 receptors is relatively weak due to the position of its C = C double bond. While both compounds share a similar structure, the C = C double bond in delta-9-THC is in (as the term indicates) position ninth. In the case of delta-8-THC, however, it is in the eighth position of the tricyclic chain link. This affects their respective interaction with the ECS.
While Delta-9 binds THC tightly to the CB1 receptors, Delta-8 fails, thereby weakening its psychotropic effects, which are determined by the compound’s ability to interact with these receptors.
In addition, Delta-9 is considered an important cannabinoid, even in hemp. However, Delta-8 is a minor cannabinoid due to its tiny presence in its natural form.
Delta-9 THC is not very stable compared to Delta-8. Delta-9 oxidizes very easily and becomes cannabinol (CBN). However, the structural boundaries of Delta-8 are very stable. and therefore it does not collapse easily. This gives Delta-8 a considerably longer shelf life.
How the action and mechanism of Delta-8 differ from Delta-9
Due to the slight difference in their chemical structure, Delta-8 is not as psychotropic as Delta-9. While Delta-9 binds tightly to CB1 receptors, the affinity of Delta-8 for CB1 receptors is usually quite weak.
Note that the psychotropic effects are influenced by the affinity of a cannabinoid for the CB1 receptors of the ECS. So consuming Delta-9 THC creates a very distinctive intoxicating noise, while Delta-8 causes a milder form of euphoria where the mind stays clear and focused while the body is relaxed. Delta-8 does not affect your mental abilities.
Because of this, despite the many proven benefits of Delta-9, Delta-8 is an ideal alternative for medical purposes. The latter shares all useful potencies with the former without causing paranoia, fear and mental confusion.
The two THCs: side effects
This is a common question asked by millions of people – is THC safe or can it cause deadly side effects?
The simple but honest answer is that most cannabinoids can be useful when used for therapeutic purposes. When used in a controlled manner and in the correct dosage, it will not cause any side effects.
Cannabinoids are available in different forms, e.g. As edibles, tinctures, topicals, vapes, concentrates, and raw herbs. The dosage would vary accordingly. The side effects also depend on your method of taking and dosage.
So let’s get to that …
D-8 vs. D-9: dosage and consumption
Delta-8 has the optimal effect with the single standard dose of 10–40 mg. The amount usually varies depending on the intensity of the effects that the consumer expects, his body weight and age. On the contrary, it only takes about 5-20 mg of Delta-9 to get high.
Both products are usually consumed in similar ways – vaping, smoking, through edibles like capsules and gums, tinctures, carts, and topicals. In both cases, sublingual exposure and inhalation produce much faster effects compared to topical application and oral ingestion.
The main difference between the two lies in their availability. While Delta-9 is easily available on the black market, real Delta-8 THC is hard to find. The reason for this is that the latter occurs in very low concentrations in the cannabis plant.
Also, Delta-9 is illegal in the US, while Delta-8 is legal in most US states, as long as it is made from natural hemp (rather than marijuana) and the Delta-9 THC levels in the end products are lower than 0.3%.
Delta-8 and Delta-9: regularities
Thanks to the changes in the law introduced by the 2018 Farm Bill regarding the status of cannabis, all hemp-based products are legal as long as they do not contain more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. In other words, marijuana remains illegal while all cannabinoids derived from hemp are now legal.
And that makes Delta-8 THC legal, meaning natural, if it’s made from natural hemp that doesn’t contain over 0.3% D-9.
There is a catch, however.
As already mentioned, Delta-8 is only found in traces in hemp plants. This makes it extremely difficult for cannabis breeders and manufacturers to obtain a significant amount of this compound. Because of this, some companies had started making this compound through the chemical synthesis of other cannabinoids.
However, the law prohibits the derivation of one cannabinoid compound from another compound – even if the parent compound is naturally derived from hemp.
Incidentally, Delta-8, which is an isomer of Delta-9, can be easily obtained by chemical synthesis of Delta-9. But that’s forbidden.
While some illegal brands continue to do so, others, more responsible, have chosen to derive Delta-8 from CBD. Numerous other legitimate companies are still sticking to the “legal” route of obtaining Delta-8 directly from hemp, which is their products due to the enormous amount of plant material required to obtain significant amounts of this compound to make a product. makes it extremely expensive.
In contrast to Delta-9, Delta-8 THC has a much weaker psychoactive potency. For this reason, the federal government has not cut this connection – as was the case with Delta-9. However, not all federal states are satisfied with this.
Currently, 11 states, including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, Rhode Island, and Utah, do not allow entry into their territories. Meanwhile, several other states are considering a ban.
Delta-9 THC, meanwhile, remains illegal across the country, with the exception of a few states that allow recreational marijuana.
Any product that is high in Delta 9 THC, like raw marijuana, will get you high. It is for this reason that legitimate manufacturers explicitly mention the Delta-9-THC content of their products.
Delta-8 and Delta-9: Medical Applications
A 1995 study published in Life Sciences discussed the effects of Delta-8 on children with hematologic cancer undergoing treatment that included chemotherapy. This compound was found to have significant antiemetic benefits. It helped curb nausea and vomiting without posing a potential health risk.
While Delta-9 THC is similarly beneficial too, we are aware of the wide range of side effects it can have.
Numerous preclinical and clinical studies have revealed other interesting facts about the properties of these two compounds.
However, due to its lower psychotropic potency, Delta-8 remains a safer and more effective bet over its highly potent sibling.
Also, one of the main arguments in favor of legalizing cannabis products is that it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Delta-8 is one of the cannabinoids that can reduce inflammation and pain.
Again, Delta-9, when taken in high doses, can cause anxiety and paranoia. While Delta-8 THC is known to relieve anxiety and stress, and promote alertness and focus, even while the body is relaxed. Although research in this area is still ongoing, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that this effect is present. Some people feel that they are in better headspace since consuming Delta-8 THC.
However, there is also some evidence that “too much D-8” could have the same effects as D-9.
Another benefit that many D-8 users have experienced is that of an appetizer. Cannabis users say they feel very hungry after smoking a joint. This is because the smoke contains significant amounts of Delta-9 THC. The same also applies to Delta-8. In fact, it has also been found to cause weight gain to some degree in anorexic patients.
Regardless of whether you are taking Delta-8 for health reasons or simply to relax, we still advise you not to drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming Delta-8 THC. As weak as they are, the psychotropic effects of this compound are still quite powerful.
Note, however, that Delta-9 (as medicinal cannabis) has been used in some cases to treat some health problems. However, D-8 has not yet been used in this way.
Farewell Thoughts
When you need to get high, choose Delta-8 over any other marijuana product. It’s safer and, most importantly, legal.
Much research is being done to harness the ability of the endocannabinoid system to regulate our body functions and performance. Let’s hope we can find more evidence of the benefits of this compound soon before this compound becomes inaccessible to us again.
Just remember, Delta-9 THC won’t get you as high as you should. However, in order for it to count and be worth the money you paid for it, start with a small dose and only increase it if necessary.
Also, it’s best to consult a doctor before using cannabinoid products, especially if you have a chronic condition or take medication regularly.
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