Differences in Potency, Benefits & Cost
7 min read
So you have finished your work and you are really very thirsty.
They go to a nearby bar and ask if they have any imported beer.
“Sure,” says the bartender. “We have Heineken and Dos Equis.”
A Heineken sounds like it really hits the mark. “Great,” you say. “Let me have a Heineken.”
The bartender disappears for a minute, puts a glass on the counter and pours your beer from an open green bottle. You take a long, deep sip and …… wait!
“This is not Heineken,” you say.
“Sure it is!” says the bartender. “It’s brand new! Heineken 0.0 … alcohol-free!”
“Arrrrrgh,” you say.
There is nothing wrong with non-alcoholic beer. In fact, it can be the right choice when you need to drive home. But it is best to know what you are getting in advance.
This is a somewhat tortured way of introducing the new kid on the block in CBD stores and online: Delta-8-THC. Of course, the first sign that something is different is that it’s called THC, but you don’t have to go to a pharmacy to buy it.
But it is best to know what to expect in advance. And while Delta-8 can deliver a very pleasant high, it’s not the Delta-9 THC that you’re used to when smoking weed.
Here’s a closer look at what you get when you buy Delta-8 THC, and why it’s different from Delta-9.
It’s best to start at the beginning.
What exactly is THC?
Cannabinoids and the body
We all know that marijuana contains the cannabinoid THC; that gets you high It is also responsible for many of the medicinal benefits of cannabis.
Here is the thing. “THC” is actually just an abbreviation for the psychoactive component of weed. Its full name is Delta-9-THC (or to be more complete, Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol) and it’s just one of more than 100 cannabinoids in marijuana (1) (2). (We should mention that these cannabinoids are also found – in varying amounts – in hemp, the other cannabis plant. This information will be important later.)
Why do cannabinoids affect the body when smoking, vaping, or ingesting cannabis? That’s because they’re similar to endocannabinoids, neurotransmitters that the body naturally produces.
Endocannabinoids are a component of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) that regulates important human functions such as metabolism, mood, and memory (3). In essence, they are the messengers in the system. Endocannabinoids tell the body what action to take, and the messages flow through the cannabinoid receptors of the ECS.
Endocannabinoids aren’t the only substances that interact with the receptors, however. Because cannabinoids like Delta-9-THC are so similar to endocannabinoids, they also interact with the ECS receptors after they enter the body. This is why cannabis makes you high and helps relieve pain; it affects the signaling system that tells the body what to do and what to feel.
Delta-9-THC and Delta-8-THC: The Science
Let’s start this section by explaining something you may not have known before. In reality, Delta-9 – the substance most of us refer to as THC – is not really native to the cannabis plant. Instead, the plant contains a cannabinoid called THCA, the “precursor” of THC (4). It only turns to delta-9-THC when burned or heated; Therefore, for example, you have to “decarbonize” grass by heating it before it can be used in edibles.
Once created, Delta-9-THC is not particularly stable. If the pot is stored for a while, exposure to oxygen can cause Delta-9 to oxidize and break down, changing its chemical structure.
And when that happens, the substance produced is called delta-8-THC – another substance that is not naturally found in the cannabis plant and is only found in tiny amounts in weed (and hemp).
Delta-9 and Delta-8 are practically identical as you would guess from their names; they are what scientists call analogues. The only physical difference between the two is that several molecules are linked together. However, this small change has a big impact on their properties.
One difference is that Delta-8 is only about half as powerful as Delta-9. Another: Delta-9 and Delta-8 do not interact in the same way with the body’s ECS receptors.
There are two groups of these receptors known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. Researchers believe the CB1 receptors are more important in this case because cannabinoids in cannabis actually bind (or bind) to the receptors – and delta-9 and delta-8 bind to them slightly differently due to their different structures.
Here’s why that matters. Once cannabinoids bind to the CB1 receptors, it is believed that the receptors partially block the signals they send (5). This means that not all “mind altering” commands are sent to the brain by Delta-9. And it seems that due to its different physical structure, even more signals from Delta-8 are blocked by the receptors.
In other words, there are two reasons why Delta-9 is more psychoactive than Delta-8.
Delta-9 is more powerful. The ECS blocks more of the effects that Delta-8 creates.
OK, that’s the difference between Delta-9 and Delta-8 in scientific terms.
What differences will you actually notice?
Delta-8-THC vs. Delta-9-THC: User Experience
The reason people are excited to find Delta-8-THC online or at their local CBD store “everyone welcome” is simple. It can get you high
But here’s why – as mentioned at the beginning – it’s important to know what you’re getting. It’s still THC and can still get you stoned, but many people have described the Delta-8 experience as a “pot light.”
You already know that Delta-8 is only about 50% as strong as Delta-9 and that the ECS (pardon the pun) weakens its effects even more. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though, because there’s more to the story.
Users often find the Delta-8 high to be more comfortable than they are used to. It’s psychotropic and euphoric, but definitely not as intense as you would normally experience from smoking marijuana. That means it’s comfortable to vape or ingest, but likely produce a smoother and clearer head high that can improve focus and socializing without creating couch lock or sedation.
Delta-8 is also much less likely to cause paranoia or anxiety in users who are prone to these disorders. It can be either relaxing or energizing, depending on the strain it comes from.
One final difference between Delta-8 and Delta-9: Delta-8 cannot be smoked as a flower. Cannabis only contains tiny amounts of it, so it must be specially made for use in a separate form, usually a concentrate. You can dab or vape Delta-8, and it’s also available in edibles. You just can’t roll it or put it in a tube.
Delta-8 vs. Delta-9: Medical Benefits
It is difficult to draw clear conclusions about the differences between the two forms of THC in terms of health and medicinal benefits because not much research has been done on Delta-8.
The potential medicinal uses of Delta-9-THC in marijuana are now known (6). These include relieving chronic or severe pain, relieving stress and anxiety (in many patients), treating nausea, vomiting and epilepsy, and stimulating appetite. It also contains powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
Some of these benefits appear to be provided by Delta-8-THC as well, although many of the studies done to date have been conducted on animals rather than humans.
Delta-8 shows promising pain relief, which has been demonstrated in various experiments with mice and rats (7) (8). It is apparently even better at increasing appetite than Delta-9 (9). It has definitely been shown to be an antiemetic that prevents nausea and vomiting in children undergoing cancer treatment (10). And anecdotal reports claim that delta-8-THC has helped some people reduce stress and anxiety.
It is also suggested that Delta-8 has neuroprotective properties, can aid memory and learning, and could even show promise in fighting cancer. These possibilities have yet to be proven, but research on Delta-8 and Delta-9 continues.
Delta-8 vs. Delta-9: Availability
We alluded to one of the biggest differences between the two forms of THC: availability. This comparison might be the most helpful of all – at least for readers looking for a legal buzz.
Delta 9 availability
Currently, marijuana (which contains delta-9-THC once the pot is burned or heated) is only legally available from pharmacies in “legal” states (11). 15 states currently allow recreational use and nearly 40 states have some form of medical marijuana program. Unless national attitudes change dramatically, these numbers should only increase over time.
The amount of Delta-9 found in CBD (which can be legally sold just about anywhere) is tiny and not enough to get someone high. The only way to get Delta-9-THC legally is to buy weed in the states where it is legally sold.
Delta 8 availability
Marijuana and hemp each contain tiny amounts of Delta-8 once their THC is oxidized. With hemp products like CBD legally for sale across America, one might think that hemp would be a good – and legal – source of Delta-8.
You would be right And wrong too.
Here’s why. There is so little Delta-8 in cannabis plants that it is not worth extracting. Any company that does this is sure to lose money.
There is good news, however; CBD can actually be converted to Delta-8 thanks to the physical similarity of the cannabis molecules. This process, known as isomerization, creates enough delta-8 THC to be sold commercially – in a growing number of CBD stores and online stores.
Unfortunately, the glory days of Delta-8 may not last long.
At the moment, it seems legal under the provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill that allows the sale of CBD and other products naturally made from hemp (12). However, there is another law that prohibits the sale of synthetic drugs (such as K2 and spices) (13). And some people claim that isomerization is a process that “synthesizes” Delta-8, which would theoretically make it illegal.
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is trying to resolve the situation, but in a very unhelpful way. It is considering a new rule that would specifically prohibit psychoactive products like Delta-8.
Conclusion: The legal Delta-8 is currently widespread. However, chances are it won’t be around for long.