Georgia takes another step toward in-state medical marijuana sales | News
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WALKER COUNTY, Georgia (CBS46) – For the first time in the state’s history, select companies are now licensed to grow medical marijuana.
On Saturday we learned the names of these companies. About 70 applied, but only six were selected.
The Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission announced in a public meeting on Saturday that Botanical Sciences LLC., Truelieve GA LLC., FFD GA Holdings LLC., Theratrue Georgia LLC., Natures GA LLC. and Treevana Remedy INC. received all licenses.
Two companies can have up to 100,000 square feet of growth space and the remaining four companies get 50,000 square feet. They can grow in state-controlled greenhouses.
“We congratulate those who may receive this award and encourage them to quickly try to get the drugs to patients,” a commissioner said during the meeting on Saturday.
Companies can grow the plants and then convert them into cannabis oil that contains no more than five percent THC.
“This is a huge step in what happened today,” said Shannon Cloud. “We have a daughter with a seizure disorder.”
She says her daughter has benefited greatly from the medicine. “It’s amazing the cognitive difference she makes when she takes the oil. She just seems to speak and think much more clearly when she takes it.”
Cloud says she and her husband have been campaigning for improved access to medical marijuana in Georgia for years.
“It’s huge that patients no longer have to take risks to get this drug. The fact that next year I can go to a retail store in Georgia now in Georgia and get the drug without going, you know, the risks enter into.” breaking the law is huge. “