House approves cannabis banking, employment & DC provisions (Newsletter: July 30, 2021)
6 min read
Senators Plan Marijuana Meetings at the White House; Top Cop and Psaki on Cannabis and Violence; FDA wants comments on kratom ban
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That House Rules Committee This week approved changes to marijuana and drug policy for plenary vote – including measures to remove barriers to research into the benefits of psychedelics and to promote federal regulations allowing CBD as a dietary supplement and food ingredient.
- However, an amendment to protect people from social housing loss due to cannabis use was excluded from consideration.
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said he and other senators sponsoring a new marijuana bill will “hold talks with the White House” to get President Joe Biden on board with legalization. He also addressed his stance on cannabis banking in a new Twitter Q&A.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Quickly diverged from a Fox News reporter’s question about whether violent incidents in Washington, DC mean it is time to “get tougher with marijuana.”
- That City Police Chief said after a recent shootout that the illegal marijuana trade is fueling violence, but proponents say a big part of the problem is that Congress continues to prevent the city from regulating cannabis sales. That could change this year.
That Food and Drug Administration asks for public comments on a possible worldwide ban on kratom. Proponents say it’s part of an effort by the US to restrict natural pain relievers by default domestically after a federal planning effort stalled.
Probation and probation officers in Missouri send patients back to jail for using medical cannabis – even though it’s legal in the state.
That Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said on a federal register that “untreated and inappropriately treated pain can lead to increased costs for the Medicare program” and that “additional risks in untreated pain include people using illicit drugs such as cannabis”.
That U.S. Department of Agriculture said hemp companies operating under the 2018 Farm Bill are eligible for the Rural Energy for America program.
Former work sec. Robert Reich tweeted: “As the Olympics officially begin, I can’t help but think how ridiculous it is that cannabis use is keeping Sha’Carri Richardson from competing when the cannabis industry is expected to be $ 70 billion by 2028 will bring in. “
Majority Leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tweeted: “It is long time to end the federal ban and undo the damage caused by the war on drugs. So @SenBooker, @RonWyden and I are working to get our Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act passed. ”So do he tweeted, “The war on drugs was a war on people. @SenBooker, @RonWyden and I issued our Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act to end federal prohibition, pass criminal law reforms, and invest in communities affected by the war on drugs. “
Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) wrote in a founding letter that “marijuana is illegal because it is dangerous”.
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) praised a New Hampshire State representative’s endorsement of medicinal cannabis in remarks for the Congressional Record.
Representative Mike Walz (R-FL) tweeted: “The IOC bans a US athlete for cannabis, but lets #IRGC terror killers compete?”
new York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and top lawmakers blame each other for the lack of appointments with the state’s marijuana regulators.
Most South carolina Senators said In a survey, they believe that a bill on medical cannabis will be a priority for the chamber in 2022.
ON California The Senator spoke about his bill to legalize possession of psychedelics.
That New Mexico The appeals court upheld the decision of a lower-ranking judge who ordered regulators to designate additional locations for medical cannabis dispensaries for Ultra Health.
Illinois Regulators issued 40 out of 40 marijuana breeder licenses to companies run by military veterans.
Idaho Regulators are preparing to submit a hemp plan for federal approval.
Alaska Regulators proposed changes to the fine plans for marijuana businesses.
West Virginia Regulators said they will host more in-person medical cannabis patient registration events based on the attendance of one on Monday.
That Texas The Medical Advisory Board discussed the problem of marijuana use by a person who suffered from alcoholism while driving.
Ohio Regulators plan to consider several rule changes related to medical cannabis at a hearing on Aug. 19.
Oklahoma Regulators have reminded that the certification forms for possession of medical cannabis are due by August 30th.
Marijuana moment is already Prosecuting 1,100+ cannabis, psychedelics, and drug bills in state legislatures and in Congress this year. Patreon followers Committing at least $ 25 per month gives you access to our interactive maps, charts, and hearing calendar so you don’t miss any developments.
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Denver, Colorado The mayor suggested using a portion of the marijuana tax revenue to fund a loan program for minority and women owned businesses. Separately, Officer will host a briefing on marijuana companies on Tuesday.
That Oakland, California The city council passed a resolution in support of state legislation prohibiting employers from discriminating against potential or current employees if they test positive for inactive marijuana metabolites in their urine or hair.
That Richmond, Virginia The Redevelopment and Housing Agency is sued by a woman whose housing allowance voucher was rejected due to a previous marijuana conviction.
ON Polk County, Iowa The attorney candidate tweeted, “With marijuana trending right now, this seems like a good time to remind people that as the Polk County Attorney, the office’s presumption will be to avoid low-level non-violent crime like possession Tracking cannabis. “
Philippines In his last State of the Union address, President Rodrigo Duterte defended his country’s bloody “war on drugs”.
Guernseys The government accepts applications to grow medicinal cannabis.
The Penticton, British Columbia, Canada turned down a motion to support Vancouver’s efforts to decriminalize drugs.
That Israeli The armed forces are taking action against the use of marijuana and other drugs by the troops.
One review concluded that “cannabinoids are a sensible treatment for refractory chronic pelvic pain, especially if a neuropathic component is suspected. “
A study of CBD for treatment Lennox-Gastaut syndrome found that “87% or more of patients / caregivers reported an improvement in the patient’s overall condition on the global impression of subject / caregiver change scale.”
ACT UP NY gave away free marijuana joints outside of Brooklyn apartment from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to people who have received coronavirus vaccines.
Bluebird Botanicals acquired Precision Botanical.
Power Wellness Inc. received approval from the Canadian government for a study evaluating MDMA-based therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Braxia Scientific Corp. established direct billing practices with Medavie Blue Cross for treating Canadian military veterans with ketamine.
Joe Exotics The marijuana company is launching a marijuana-infused seltzer called Tiger Piss.
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Photo courtesy of Chris Wallis // side pocket images.