March 3, 2025

Local MMJ News

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Is it time to legalize recreational marijuana in Ohio? Editorial Board Roundtable

4 min read

Two Cleveland Democrats – State Reps. Casey Weinstein of Hudson and Terrence Upchurch of Cleveland – draft laws to legalize recreational marijuana in Ohio and create a way to tax and regulate it.

“There are definitely lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who support legalization. I’m not going to rule them out, ”Weinstein told Statehouse Bureau director Karen Kasler earlier this month. “But I’ve had so many talks and heard quite a bit of support in the Senate, in the House of Representatives – from both parties to the concept.”

The law has not yet been put in place, but according to Kasler’s July 15 report, most people ages 21 and up would buy and own up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and have up to 12 plants grown. It would also seal the convictions of those with previous convictions for acts legalized by the law and allow them to participate in the marijuana trade.

The website Marijuana Moment further reported that the bill:

Impose a 10% excise tax on marijuana sales. Use this revenue to cover implementation costs first, then “up to $ 20 million annually for two years for clinical trials to research the effectiveness of marijuana in treating veterans’ diseases and preventing veterans from suicide. “Split the remaining income, with 35% each going to K-12 schools and bridge and road repairs and 15% each going to communities and counties with cannabis stores, distributed based on the number of shops of commerce. Maintain, without modification, the state’s medical marijuana program.

Weinstein and Upchurch believe the time is ripe for this move, but so far Ohio Republican lawmakers have shown no appetite for recreational marijuana legalization, nor has the move made it onto the ballot as a citizens’ group, despite a fresh attempt will.’s Andrew J. Tobias reports that a group calling itself “The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol” has made efforts to get a full marijuana legalization initiative in the November 2022 election.

So what does our editorial roundtable think? Is it a great idea – or a “weed” stinker?

Thomas Suddes, editorial author:

In fact, it is now legal unless the police want a reason to charge someone and there is no other plausible charge. Opioids kill, grass doesn’t.

Ted Diadiun, columnist:

Streamline anything you want, but the fact is that marijuana affects judgment, leads to tougher drugs, and poses a potential threat on the “high” roads. The jury has not yet decided on the long-term health effects of habitual consumption. The idea that lawmakers legalize his recreational use in exchange for a few taxpayers’ money is terrifying.

Eric Foster, columnist:

There are now 19 states and the District of Columbia that have legalized recreational marijuana use. These states are still functioning. Their governments have not been overthrown. The sky is still blue and kids are still laughing and playing. If we allow something as harmful as alcohol, we should allow something as harmless as marijuana.

Victor Ruiz, member of the editorial team:

The benefits of marijuana, including the economic ones, are very well documented, so legalization is a breeze. For those concerned about the negative effects, I encourage them to learn about what alcohol and cigarettes are doing to our bodies and society. Eventually we need to erase old records and free the detainees (most of whom are colored).

Lisa Garvin, member of the editorial team:

I am encouraged by a bill in the US Senate to lift the federal marijuana ban. It’s time for Ohio to legalize recreational consumption. We’ve seen medical marijuana spawn an industry that is abundant in tax revenue and small business opportunity. We also need to remove barriers that have hampered research into the pros and cons of marijuana.

Mary Cay Doherty, Member of the Editorial Board:

Legalizing a mind-altering, reality numbing gateway drug will not improve life or society. The long-term potential effects of marijuana include addiction, impaired cognition, sleep problems, and even psychosis. The division of income according to the number of stores creates incentives for cities and counties to promote drug use and addiction. Using income for education does not justify bad legislation. Illegal bad things should stay illegal.

Elizabeth Sullivan, opinion leader:

It is long time to fully legalize marijuana and fully study its health effects.

Do you have something to say on this subject?

* Write a letter to the editor that will be considered for the print publication.

* For general questions about our drafting committee or comments on this drafting committee round table, email Elizabeth Sullivan, Director of Opinion, at