Kristi Noem; Thompson School District and masks – Loveland Reporter-Herald
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Kristi Noem isn’t who Cal Thomas claims
Cal Thomas wants you to believe that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is ready for national office. Ms. Noem has toured the country (including the southern border) to make sure she stays relevant ahead of the 2024 elections and to make you believe her state is wealthy and free from government interference. But wait, there’s more.
Thomas mentions low unemployment and a low number of people receiving public support. Ms. Noem says fewer than 2,500 people receive public assistance, although nearly 5,000 people in her state receive Temporary Assistance for Families in Need (TANF). In addition, there are more than 73,000 people on food aid (SNAP) benefits and 134,000 on Medicaid.
Throughout the pandemic, Ms. Noem bragged that South Dakota was open to business and tourism – even federal stimulus dollars to make commercials that aired nationwide. She forgets to tell you that her sparsely populated state had the 10th highest COVID death rate in the country (230 / 100,000). And recently, with 70% of South Dakota suffering from extreme drought, Ms. Noem, irritable, decided that. to sue federal government for denying fireworks at Mount Rushmore on July 4th this year.
In the 2020 election, South Dakota voters passed (with eight points) the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana. Noem, an outspoken opponent of the initiative, was ready to overturn the measure in court. Two law enforcement officials filed a lawsuit against the amendment, and Noem asked the state to pay her legal fees. Within three months, a district judge appointed by Noem overturned the voter’s election and declared it unconstitutional.
We need candidates who value science and who listen to and respect the will of the people who represent it. Kristi Noem is not that candidate.
Doreen Michals
Love land
The Thompson School District ignores its duty to protect students
Congratulations to the Thompson School District and the School Board on recently reaffirming a mask-free mandate in their schools for the upcoming fall meeting.
The district is aware that the recommendations of scientists who spend their careers studying pandemics should never stand in the way of “common sense” and that the health policy of students should always be affected by threatened legal action against the board of directors.
The district understands that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends students wear masks and that current COVID-19 infection rates in Larimer County would trigger a mask mandate under CDC guidelines, but those recommendations should not “make our health decisions.” affect children. “
More than 600,000 people have died of COVID19, 255 in Larimer County, but the district heard and apparently believed that wearing masks among students was “depressing”.
All respected health professionals know that vaccinations, the wearing of masks, and social distancing are critical to stopping the pandemic. And they know that these measures can prevent almost all COVID outbreaks in schools. The Thompson School District doesn’t require vaccinations or masks, and at best has a wispy social distancing policy.
The United States has known for more than a year that masks and social distancing work well to prevent COVID-19 infections, and for months we have had highly effective vaccinations for those ages 12 and up. But the Thompson School District would rather bow to bullying and ignorance than follow expert advice. I have three grandchildren in public schools in Loveland, one of whom is too young to be vaccinated. Once school begins, by ignoring its duty to protect students, the Thompson School District shares responsibility if they or the district’s students contract COVID.
Stephen Huth
Love land