March 4, 2025

Local MMJ News

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1 min read

This week the state of Missouri reached a milestone in the implementation of Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, Missouri’s medical marijuana law, which was passed by nearly 66 percent of the electorate in the November 2018 election.

The Missouri Department of Health has determined that Missouri now has more than 100,000 approved, legal medical marijuana users in the state. Almost a quarter of these patients are also licensed to grow cannabis for themselves.

This number of patients far exceeds the values ​​predicted before the start of the program. A study by the Department of Economics in U predicted the state would have only 22,542 medical marijuana patients by 2021.

Research shows the dramatic medicinal benefits of cannabis in treating the symptoms of diseases and injuries that Missourians suffer from. According to the National Academy of Sciences in their 2017 Comprehensive Review of Medical Marijuana Research, the treatment of chronic pain is the best-documented medical use for cannabis.

Missouri NORML believes that the higher than expected demand for medical marijuana warrants additional commercial licenses for medical marijuana. The Board of Missouri NORML agreed to grant DHSS additional licenses to grow, test, manufacture and sell medical marijuana at retail.

NORML believes this is in the best interests of Missouri patients as it will result in better accessibility and lower prices.