Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana planning two new petitions for 2022 ballot | Regional Government
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However, she added that splitting the initiative into two parts was the best way to move the issue forward.
“It is too risky not to err on the extremely safe side, even if it is more expensive,” she said. “There is no room for error.”
While Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana is setting the language it will submit – Wishart said the goal is to get this done before Labor Day – it has also built a campaign team to start collecting signatures.
Smart Approaches to Marijuana, which has run radio ads warning of marijuana legalization, has no official position on the petition, said John Kuehn, a former state senator who co-chairs the group.
Kuehn said SAM Nebraska will meet with community groups and individuals across the state in what he called an education campaign.
While medical marijuana Nebraskans had early concerns that after the state Supreme Court ruling last year, volunteers and voters would be drained and unwilling to redo the effort, Wishart said they have since found out that it isn’t Case is.
The 2020 initiative submitted 196,000 names to the Foreign Minister’s office, 123,000 of which were collected in June 2020 alone.
Wishart believes the effort can be repeated once the petitions are completed and an army of 125 volunteers begins coordinating signature-collecting efforts across the state.