New Marijuana Law has North Alabama advocate hopeful in new option for patients
2 min read
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – A former DARE official who became a medical cannabis attorney last year educated lawmakers across Alabama about the benefits of medical marijuana and is excited about the new laws.
With Governor Ivey signed Last week’s bill, Attorney Amanda Taylor, said it was something that made all the hard work worth it.
CBD sellers echo Taylor’s excitement at adding a stronger non-pharmaceutical option can benefit patients across the Tennessee Valley.
“So many people need the THC in marijuana. Now you can take this THC and tone it down, this psychoactive one, ”said Linda Jones, co-owner of the Green Lady’s pharmacy
“Many of the patients who use medical marijuana are patients who have already used all of these FDA-prescribed drugs,” added Taylor Marks, co-owner of Bluewater Hemp.
Taylor has six diseases including diabetes, multiple sclerosis and gastroparesis.
She tried medicines but said they did more harm than good. She said she had severe side effects that almost killed her. She also spent thousands of dollars a month on medication.
“It’s not about being high, it’s about a better quality of life,” said Taylor.
Medical marijuana was eventually recommended to Taylor by one of her doctors, and she wasn’t originally on the idea, but the former DARE officer was desperate for the relief that would make her symptoms worse.
She moved to Arizona from her Cullman County home to receive medical marijuana treatment for her gastroparesis.
“To get what I needed, I had to move 1,600 miles from everyone I knew and loved. I weighed less than 99 pounds and basically walked my death, ”she said. “The plant saved my life.”
Since then she has been committed. She first studied the law and guidelines in Arizona, where it is legal, before feeling ready to bring her knowledge back to Alabama.
Then she went to Montgomery in hopes of getting a medical marijuana bill for the state. She shared her story to educate policy makers about how useful it can be for the sick.
“I have personally communicated my story to as many members of the legislature as possible via email and telephone. I got them to look at me and tell me why they refuse to show me compassion, ”she said. “God didn’t save me to be quiet. So I took this opportunity and got up and told the truth. “
Officials have stated that medical marijuana is unlikely to be an option for patients for at least another year while they work on a process to successfully implement the program.