New marijuana law puts light on criminal justice reform in Virginia
3 min read
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – 10 On Your Side continues to weed out new marijuana laws.
Last Thursday we covered the historic day Virginia legalized recreational marijuana use. While it is affecting the daily lives of many Virginians, there are also new efforts behind criminal law reform.
As we reported on July 1, like many others who legally smoked for the first time on private property last Thursday, William is not facing the street. 10 On Your Side does not disclose Williams’ last name.
“It feels good not to have to hide it in our houses and keep it all a secret,” said William.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is still concerned about several potential criminal issues that need to be resolved.
“We need to ensure that if previous convictions are deleted from people’s files, the deletion continues,” said Virginia NORML Executive Director Jenn Michelle Pedini.
We showed you marijuana that is part of the medical cannabis program. Pedini says parents contacted NORML after being denied custody and access for participating in Virginia’s legal medical marijuana program.
“Marijuana is considered a Schedule I drug at the federal level; Most states, however, are in conflict with federal law about their cannabis policies, ”Pedini said.
Del. Steve Heretick (D-Portsmouth) said these matters require action from the legislature.
“I think it will take a lot of focus on the General Assembly for other policy considerations,” he said.
Heretick says the general assembly must clear marijuana criminal records and how legalized marijuana affects employers’ rights to hire and fire.
“How does this coexist with anti-marijuana employment programs? For example, how does this coexist with alcohol … would it be illegal to smoke marijuana in public housing? ”Häretick said.
Virginia NORML believes the decade-long marijuana ban is enshrined in the Virginia state code.
The organization, which has been campaigning for marijuana legalization in Virginia since 1970, believes that it is necessary to seal the records, which is now mandatory, and that it is necessary to clear the records and expedite the newly required documents to seal off the misdemeanor possession with the intention of distributing charges.
“Virginia has taken a very rigorous approach to research into legalization, not just in terms of regulating adult cannabis but also undoing the harm the ban has caused,” Pedini said.
Longtime pro-marijuana advocate Charles Rasputin wants his record to be cleared despite still finding ways to be a productive member of society.
“I’ve absolutely learned how to get myself a place even with these crimes hanging over me,” said Rasputin.
“The funny thing is that it came at a time when I decided to leave this business because I didn’t see a great future in it, and here we are 20 years later and there is a future in it,” he said.
On Thursday at 4pm and 6pm, 10 On Your Side will root out the inconsistencies in the new marijuana laws.