Officials closer to finalizing county handbook | News
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Woodward County commissioners had another three-hour meeting Monday morning, this time in the basement of the courthouse.
Jeff Barron spoke to commissioners about a planned Christian film project called “Expunged”. The board of directors approved some scenes to be shot on the courthouse grounds.
“The last movie this company made, Broken Chains, had a Dove seal of approval, which is very hard to come by,” said Barron. “We’ll need several extras to fill in the background.”
No representative appeared at the meeting for the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) Certificate of Conformity (OMMA) meeting for Rantian, LLC in NE of NE Section 12 T20N R21W on 40 acres in District 2, so no action was taken.
Letters were submitted by County Clerk Wendy Dunlap following information for Petal Acres LLC in an area in Section 21 T23N R19W on 10 acres in District 1, Royalty Strainz, LLC in Section 30 T23N R19W on 30.48 acres in District 1 and Red Hills Rolling reviewed Co. LLC in Section 1 T23N R17W on 46.12 acres in District 1.
An owner was not in attendance with the 202783 Ventures, LLC representative in NE NE Section 12 T20N R21W on 40 acres in District 2 and the board of directors filed a review.
A resolution was passed on the acceptance of the employee opt-out, who receives a monthly amount instead of the flexible performance bonus.
Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma (ACCO) Safety Director Dale Frech answered questions about the Employee Handbook.
One change he was committed to was separating the Medical Marijuana Policy from the actual staff handbook and incorporating it into the Drug Testing Policy.
After more than an hour, a vote among district officials voted five to three on the definition of full-time employees as at least 35 hours per week, full-time with 40 hours per week, part-time with services over 1,000 hours per year and part-time without services less than 1,000 Hours per year.
All changes will be updated and copies sent to all district officials for review prior to voting on a resolution to adopt the new manual during next Monday’s meeting.
The board of directors has adopted a resolution on the county’s revolving fund program for road machinery and equipment for the 2021-2022 financial year.
The commissioners approved a resolution to dispose of the entire ESI-50 telephone system for the county health department.
The calendar of regular board meetings for 2022 has been approved.
A list of the federal premium expenditure to which the auditor is entitled has been approved.
The board approved a low bid to put up six-month deals for nationwide contract transportation.
The commissioners opened six-month sealed deals for nationwide crawler excavator services and approved Dustin Donley Construction Services, LLC’s low bid for $ 105 an hour.