Senate Democrats backing bill to end federal ban on marijuana
4 min read
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate Supreme Democrat supports a bill that would lift a long-standing federal ban on marijuana, and includes a proposal that has a slim chance of becoming law but is demonstrating growing public support for the decriminalization of the drug.
Proposals to legalize marijuana are nothing new. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, however, is a sponsor of the effort unveiled on Wednesday, underscoring how a once fringe idea is increasingly becoming mainstream. The move would undermine a central pillar of the decades-long war on drugs that disproportionately affected color communities in the United States.
“I will use my influence as a majority leader to make this a priority in the Senate,” said Schumer of New York, who is the first Senate leader to support such efforts. “It’s not just an idea whose time has come, it’s long overdue.”
The bill would treat marijuana similar to alcohol or tobacco so it could be taxed and regulated. States could still ban its use. And those under the age of 21 couldn’t buy it. It would still be illegal to sell significant quantities without proper licensing and authorization, much like smuggling alcohol. It would also pave the way for additional medical cannabis research.
But aside from removing barriers to recreational use, advocates say the law would help the poor and those from colored communities who have been disproportionately arrested, charged and jailed for marijuana crimes.
The bill would repeal federal nonviolent convictions and allow records to be sealed. Those currently serving nonviolent sentences related to marijuana could also request a review hearing and get a deletion.
“We have our precious resources to imprison black and brown people for doing things that presidents, congressmen and senators did,” said Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, who along with. Oregon’s Senator Ron Wyden is also a co-sponsor of the law.
A similar bill has been passed to the House. But the measure faces a virtually non-existent path in a tightly divided Senate where 60 votes are needed to pass most of the laws.
Schumer acknowledged that not all Democrats support the law. That includes President Joe Biden, who said he supports the decriminalization of marijuana but believes the federal ban should stay in place.
“I have spoken in the past about the president’s views on marijuana. Nothing has changed and there are no new legislative approvals today, ”White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Wednesday.
Republicans and influential law enforcement agencies will also oppose this.
“I don’t understand that Republicans who say they are for ‘state rights’ don’t support what my colleagues are talking about,” said Wyden. “What this bill does is we’re decriminalizing at the federal level, but we’re not asking states to legalize.”
Schumer and the other supporters of the bill say their proposal is a “draft discussion” aimed at getting the conversation going.
Although 18 states have legalized recreational use and 37 allow medical marijuana, the remaining federal ban has been a headache for the industry in states where it is legal and has made it difficult for companies to obtain banking services and credit.
Those in the marijuana industry called Schumer’s support a major advance.
“It’s a big challenge and I’m a realist,” said Joe Caltabiano, CEO of Choice Consolidation Corp. and co-founder of Cresco Labs. “It will take a long time to get this bill through Congress.”
Maritza Perez of the Drug Policy Alliance said Congress is finally catching up where the general public has long been. Meanwhile, those convicted of marijuana offenses face life-changing consequences that make it difficult to find a job or receive public benefits.
Earlier this month, American sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson was removed from the US team’s Olympic squad after testing positive for marijuana, costing her a chance to run in addition to her place in the Tokyo relay 100-meter individual race .
“Today is a historic day in the sense that the majority leader in the Senate is putting forward a law to regulate and legalize marijuana. That’s huge, ”said Perez, director of the organization’s national affairs office. “Marijuana has become culturally acceptable to the public. But people forget that over half a million people are arrested each year for possession of marijuana. “