February 11, 2025

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Senate panel ponders parameters of a new medical marijuana bill – Daily Leader

4 min read

The rationale of the medical marijuana initiative, approved by Mississippi voters in November – but recently rejected by the state Supreme Court – should be honored, members of the Senate Public Health Committee were told Thursday.

Ken Newburger, executive director of the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Association, admitted to the committee that there are areas where the now-invalid initiative 65 could be improved, such as giving local governments more leeway in zoning medical marijuana dispensaries and not the entire program under the umbrella of the underfunded and inadequately resourced Department of Health of the Mississippi state.

But Newburger, who worked to pass the medical marijuana proposal, said any laws passed in response to the Supreme Court’s rejection of Initiative 65 should adhere to the following principles:

• Providing widespread access to medical marijuana.

• Authorize doctors to certify the use of medical marijuana if they believe it would be beneficial.

• Allow the free market to dictate who can run a medical marijuana business.