‘Something is imminent’ – nj.com
24 min read
Hello, everyone!
Glad to see you again. I enjoyed all of you who pulled up to the mixer last week. It was actually a pleasure meeting many of you in person, including the ones that I have interviewed for months on end through multiple Zoom conferences, phone calls and LinkedIn messaging.
As always, COVID-19 is going to keep things ever-changing, but I always relish the opportunity to interact with readers outside of the confines of newsletter and virtual conference format. We have some photos inside about the July 29 get together, and you might have seen some on our LinkedIn feed, too.
So …. About New York. Gov. Cuomo.
First, he was an impediment because he wanted to pass his version of the cannabis bill, then he decided to hold up the implementation of the passed version because he wanted to change appointments at another agency (sigh, not done yet); and now due to the findings of his attorney general, Letitia James (who was also present at the NYC Cannabis Parade earlier this year with many of our readers in tow) has essentially made clear that he’s unfit for office with the receipts to boot.
So, what that means for the cannabis space across New York is currently anyone’s guess. But, as always, how other cities move within the region and how New Jersey decides to move will play a role of influence.
Interstate commerce might not be legal, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything stopping interstate influence.
Now, on to this week’s issue.
We’ve got Sue Livio pulling up with the latest info on the RFA 2019 process and what may be in store the rest of the summer as our lead story. Everyone have their running shoes ready?
Jonathan Salant, from his reliable perch in our nation’s capital, has a piece on the growth of lobbying within D.C. and what that means for the overall future as legislative sessions go forward.
In addition to the conference last week, I was glad to show up at the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (NJCPA) event for a Cannabis Conference today to discuss the nature of what the market could look like in the future alongside some familiar faces and power players.
We’ve also got an article from two of our colleagues at NJ.com. The first, by Kevin Shea, about how Trenton may bring cannabis to town in a way that’s upsetting a variety of people, including the mayor; the second, by Caroline Fassett, sniffs around Verano’s grow facility to see how it will mitigate that familiar smell that some town residents don’t like.
Elsewhere, we have a column by Stockton Univeristy’s Rob Mejia about how to address NIMBY neighbors and municipal leaders and we’ve confirmed some speakers for our next big event this fall. Check it out.
Until next time …
— Jelani Gibson
2019 NJ Cannabis Insider file photo
2019 RFA winners? ‘Something is imminent.’
Six months ago, a state appeals court rendered a decision that should have removed the legal logjam that has prevented the state’s medicinal marijuana program from executing its two-year-old plan to meet the needs of what today has grown to be 114,000 patients.
But it’s Aug. 5, and the Murphy administration won’t say when it will release the names of 24 applicants selected to grow and dispense medical cannabis from the pool of nearly 150 who applied in the summer of 2019.
Insiders say the announcement is coming any day now. Of course, they have been saying that for a while. But there is good reason to believe it’s true.
On page 54 of the adult-use law Gov. Phil Murphy signed in February, it says the Cannabis Regulatory Commission “shall begin accepting and processing applications from applicants within 30 days after the commission’s initial rules and regulations have been adopted.”
CRC spokeswoman Toni-Anne Blake confirmed this reading of the law, writing in an email to NJ Cannabis Insider: “Following the adoption of regulations, the Commission will announce the acceptance of applications as soon as a firm date is established.”
The regulations are expected to be introduced on or before Aug. 21. It will take some time to go through the public hearing and review process to adopt the rules governing the legitimate cannabis industry. But nobody thinks the state would start another clock ticking with a new group of applicants without first announcing the 2019 winners.
Lee Vartan, attorney for ZY Labs — the only applicant to prevail in its lawsuit challenging its disqualification from the pool of about 150 — said this week he thought the announcement was coming soon for this very reason. If there is no decision from 2019, applicants wouldn’t know whether they were permitted to vie for a shot at a new round of licenses.
Vartan said he and his firm, Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi, represents numerous clients who submitted applications two years ago. “All of them remain committed to New Jersey and to the process,” he said. “While they wish things had proceeded faster, they understand the Governor, the Department of Health and the CRC did everything they could to move this quickly.”
“I presume something is imminent,” Vartan said.
It’s not hard to imagine that dragging this out could lead to another contentious legal battle.
Twenty-five months ago, the state Department of Health released a request for applications, or RFA, seeking 24 new alternative treatment centers: 5 cultivators or growers, 15 dispensaries or retail outlets, and four vertical operators who control the entire supply chain of cultivation, manufacturing and dispensing.
The health department never made its selections, but it did notify a number of applicants they had been disqualified.
Fifteen of those rejected sued, with some claiming the Health Department wrongly rejected them because reviewers could not open corrupt PDF files, and others, including ZY, challenging the department’s decision that they lacked the required verification that local officials would welcome a medical cannabis business in their community.
The appellate court found ZY Labs did have letters of support from prominent Hillside community members, which constituted community approval under the department guidance.
The CRC last week canceled its Aug. 3 meeting without explanation or announcing a new date. Perhaps it was too busy to meet because the commission is hard at work drafting the regulations and finalizing its picks for the next 24 licenses? Stay tuned.
— Susan K. Livio | NJ.com
DeVeaux, Kovach and Cabrera
Cannabis conference for accountants talks states and marketplaces
Today we sponsored a New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (NJCPA) Cannabis Conference panel. For those of you who were attendees, the recording is slated to drop in a week. The org may also look into selling it to a wider audience, but that’s TBD, so we’ll keep everyone updated on that as well.
For the New Jersey-focused session, one of the hottest topics was what exactly a cannabis market within the Garden State looks like. Below, New Jersey League of Municipalities President Janice Kovach, Vicente Sederberg counsel Jennifer Cabrera and New Jersey CannaBusiness Association president Edmund DeVeaux answer:
Janice Kovach: It’s really going to depend on whether we’re looking at the large multistate operators or some of the microlicenses that may be out there, or some sort of the combination of the two. It’s exciting because it is a new industry coming to New Jersey. We’re a little late to the game based on where other states are.
What I’m hoping is we get it right. We take the time to do what needs to be done and address everyone’s concerns, everyone’s issues so that it is an industry that can be fully integrated into whichever community they decide to move into.
Jennifer Cabrera: What New Jersey should aim for, is number one, having enough supply to meet the demands of the market. Right now there’s not nearly enough supply to meet the demands of the medical market, let alone adult use. Number two, having enough of a robust system that allows new players to come in, small businesses to open and operate so that it’s not just out-of-state money coming in, but also that has enough local operators that can withstand federal change.
Edmund DeVeaux: The businesses whether it’s retail or commercial, cultivation or processing, becomes part of the fabric of the community that they’re in. If you’re in retail you can be walking down main street and if you pass by a restaurant you can either go in that restaurant or walk by it. You’ll see a candle store, you can either walk in or walk by it, and as an adult, you’re going to walk by a dispensary. You can either walk in or pass by it and you won’t think twice about it because it will be a part of the fabric of the community that it’s in.
The other aspect of the commercial side of things, to Mayor Kovach’s point, we want to be able to see not just the high-end, but we do want to see those businesses that are mom-and-pop. Most businesses that run the country are mid- to small-sized businesses. The cannabis industry should be in the same boat.
Yes, there’s room for the large multistate operators, but at the same time we’ve got to make room for the bodegas. There’s got to be room for the mom-and-pop operations because that’s what’s going to carry the day. Those are the people that are going to make sure that the local economies are taken care of, that employment remains very much local, that the state and local communities are taken care of. That’s how I see the growth of the industry and what a successful cannabis industry in New Jersey looks like.
— Jelani Gibson
Making connections at NJ Cannabis Insider Live.
What tornado? Power players pour in for Cannabis Insider’s first in-person event of the year
Our business mixer on a stormy July 29 night at The Asbury attracted some 250 insiders throughout the state, many of whom hadn’t ventured out to meet in person since NJ Cannabis Insider Live’s March 2020 conference.
Precious Osagie Erese, Sydney Snow, and Bob Anderson.
The business meetup, presented by Hance Construction, featured the panel discussion “Delivery, Equity and Microlicensing” with Precious Osagie Erese, COO of Roll Up Life, Ellie Siegel, founder and CEO of Longview Strategic; Bob Anderson Robert Anderson, shareholder at Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, and Sydney Snow, senior manager of government affairs at Eaze Technologies. Cannabis Insider’s Jelani Gibson moderated.
Ellie Siegel
Some of the power players we saw on the floor included, Edmund DeVeaux, president of the New Jersey CannaBusiness Assn.; Tara Misu Sargente, a NJCBA board member and owner of Blazin’ Bakery; Michael McQueeny, an attorney at Foley Hoag and counsel for the New Jersey Cannabis Trade Association; Diana N. McElroy, community outreach specialist for TerraScend; Alixon Collazos, public affairs specialist at the BGill Group; Chirali Patel an attorney at Pashman Stein Walder Hayden and founder of Blaze Responsibly; Charles Johnson, an attorney and CEO of LeafSpotz; Stu Zakim, president of Bridge Strategic Communications; and, Tiyahnn Bryant, CEO of Roll Up Life.
Art Hance with a guest at the Hance Construction kiosk.
Other power players were saw: Charles Messina, partner at Genova Burns; Rob Mejia, entrepreneur and adjunct professor at Stockton University; Stacey Udell, director at HBK Valuations; Joe Lipari, general manager of Supreme Security Systems; Daniel Jensen, accounts manager at Supreme Security and founder of Code 3 Outreach; Joe Libutti, insights principal at Kivvit.
Dan Jensen and Joe Lipari
And more: Sean Mack, partner at Pashman Stein Walder Hayden; Kristen Goedde, COO at Trichome Analytical; Jacob Robbins, manager at Longview Strategic; Beth Targan Seltzer of CannaRegs; Cristina Pinzon, CEO of Stateside Affairs; Jill Cohen, founder of the CannaBoss Lady; Michael A. Pappalardo of F2B Services; Shergoh Alkilani of ELEVEN ELEVEN Cannabis; and, Brendon Robinson and Stanley Okoro, co-founders of the Minority Cannabis Academy.
Ed DeVeaux, Rob Mejia and Jelani Gibson
The event was sponsored by early-adopters in New Jersey’s cannabis space: Hance Construction, Supreme Security Alarms, Harvest 360, Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, Longview Strategic, Shore Grow, HBK, EWMA (Environmental Waste Management Associates) and IAL (Integrated Analytical Laboratories) BCB Bank , PSI Process and Cognitive Harmony Technologies, the event’s social equity sponsor.
Shergoh Alkilani, Ed Pacella and Stu Zakim
The event also counted on the support of New Jersey CannaBusiness Association, the Garden State’s largest trade group, and Stockton University, which offers an interdisciplinary minor in Cannabis Studies and which recently launched the Cannabis & Hemp Research Initiative.
— NJ Cannabis Insider staff | Photos by Amanda Brown for NJ Cannabis Insider
NJ Cannabis Insider Fall Conference: Sept. 23.
We’re returning in the fall with an all-day event at the brand-new Carteret Performing Arts Center.
Confirmed speakers so far include:
Dianna Houenou, chair of the state’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission.Edmund DeVeaux, president of the New Jersey CannaBusiness Assn. and is a lobbyist with Burton Trent Public Affairs.Mayor Janice Kovach, of Clinton Town, president of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.Bill Caruso, a partner at Archer Law, represents New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform and is a New Jersey CannaBusiness Assn. board member.Precious Oswagie- Erese, COO of Roll Up Life, Inc.Art Hance, founder and CEO of Hance ConstructionMike McQueeny, counsel at Foley Hoag, and counsel for the New Jersey Trade Association
Early-bird tickets are on sale now. Use code SEPT23NJCI for $20 off the early-bird ticket price ($239) until Aug. 15. Regular price tickets will be $299 for non-members and $249 for members. For the safety of all involved, we will require either proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test (taken within 7 days of the event) in order to attend. We thank you for helping us keep our community safe.
Our early-adopter sponsors so far include:
Hance Construction was selected to build one of the first cannabis grow facilities in New Jersey, and has since worked on other medical cannabis projects, offering consulting and site-location servicesSupreme Security Alarms, New Jersey leaders in the security space, providing custom designed, state-of-art systems to protect your business.Trichome Analytical, headquartered in Mount Laurel Township, offers the highest standard in accurate, compliant and comprehensive cannabis and industrial hemp testing and consulting services for cultivators, processors, retailers and regulatory agencies. Trichome Analytical is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, holds federal DEA registration for USDA-compliant hemp testing.Archer Law, cannabis law attorneys, in conjunction with Archer Public Affairs, are at the forefront of marijuana legalization, helping the public sector and governments grapple with responsible regulations.NJ Cannabis Certified, which provides training for all entry level jobs in the cannabis industry, including dispensary training and entry level cultivation and lab technician training.Harvest 360, NJ Cannabis Insider’s Social Equity Partner, is a cannabis consulting company that specializes in application preparation and licensing management, working to reduce barriers of entry for communities most impacted by the War on Drugs.The New Jersey CannaBusiness Association, the Garden State’s largest trade group, operating as the state’s cannabis chamber of commerceStockton University, the interdisciplinary minor in Cannabis Studies offers students a foundation for understanding the burgeoning cannabis industry. Stockton recently opened The Cannabis & Hemp Research Institute, which will research hemp cultivation and develop lab testing.
We are looking for proposals for sponsorships and panels for our fall conference. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Enrique Lavin or Kristen Ligas.
Star-Ledger file photo
Trenton to welcome, but limit locations for legal weed shops
As New Jersey municipalities face a looming deadline to get in on the action for legal marijuana sales, officials in the state’s capital city have been jockeying on an ordinance that would lay out how cannabis businesses can operate.
Trenton’s ordinance, which has gone through several changes, would allow five dispensaries in three existing business zones in the city, with the downtown business district excluded.
The ordinance has its first reading Thursday in front of City Council.
It’s not what Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora’s administration originally wanted. They proposed 10 dispensaries and the downtown included, but as it’s currently written it’ll at least get Trenton started by allowing it to regulate cannabis dispensaries and collect taxes from such businesses.
Leaving out the downtown district, Gusciora said, is short sighted and amounts to redlining.
“We need to capture this moment for the city of Trenton,” Gusciora said this week.
Local governments have until Aug. 21 to either ban cannabis businesses in their town or pass a local law welcoming and regulating adult-use marijuana. That includes locations and numbers of dispensaries, and collecting taxes.
If towns do not act, they must abide by general state rules, which would allow businesses to operate in their municipalities so long as they comply with existing zoning laws, and towns would be barred for five years from banning a marijuana business.
In Trenton, Gusciora’s administration saw 10 dispensaries as a good start. By welcoming smaller, niche weed shops versus typically larger distributors which need larger spaces, the mayor said he sees Trenton as the retail system to grow and cultivation facilities that may start in suburbs and industrial parks.
Trenton-based places to buy legal weed would bring people into the city, provides jobs and opportunities, and provide the city with the important social equity role in a hopefully booming business, Gusciora said.
“Trenton would be the ideal location for these businesses,” Gusciora said.
If the council fails to get something done by the deadline, a large marijuana business, which the mayor called “the Walmarts of weed,” could move into an industrial area of Trenton with little benefit to the city financially.
The areas zoned for marijuana dispensaries, in the current ordinance, are three existing redevelopment areas, Enterprise Avenue, Route 1 industrial area and the Roebling Complex.
Conspicuously absent is the downtown business district, along the South Warren Street area, which lies in the city’s North Ward.
Roland Pott, a developer and business owner who lives downtown, sent a letter addressed to North Ward Councilwoman Marge Caldwell Wilson urging her to include downtown. And the reaction was fiery.
In the late July letter, which was copied to all council members, Pott was reacting to a version allowing four dispensaries, one in each city ward, and none downtown. After imploring what he thought were the obvious benefits — revenues, jobs, increased activity downtown, benefits for Black and brown communities.
“As a downtown real estate owner, I have a tenant that wants to move into one of my properties and open a dispensary. By excluding South Warren Street, you are hurting the ability of real estate owners like me to renovate buildings, contribute to the City and invest in the community. Others in the downtown district also have dispensary tenants interested,” Pott wrote.
“As a City resident who appreciates the history of the City, I know that there was a time when the City leaders like yourself knew how to work with the business leaders. Please respect the zoning that the City has created and allow dispensaries in the commercial zones such as downtown. Please help your constituents,” he concluded.
Caldwell Wilson and Council President Kathy McBride, called Pott irate, he says, and told him to deal with their lawyers in the future. He was surprised, saying he thought he was raising legitimate constituent concerns.
Pott and Caldwell Wilson serve on the Trenton Downtown Association’s board of directors together. Pott is the chairman.
Caldwell Wilson and McBride did not respond to email requests for comment.
Another South Warren Street property owner, William Osterman, said he’s “absolutely” for the downtown allowing a dispensary.
The former Trenton police officer said the downtown business areas have suffered mightily since COVID-19, with workers – mainly state workers – working remotely from home.
“You have to have something major downtown to draw people,” Osterman said. “I am absolutely for it, and I hope they can work something out.”
The ordinance could be changed starting tonight, or possibly amended if passed before the Aug. 21 deadline, Trenton City Attorney Wes Bridges said.
“There’s a lot at play here, and we’re very supportive the ordinance,” he said.
— Kevin Shea | NJ.com
This story first appeared on NJ.com
The exterior the cultivation center. Featured in the photo is some of the air handling and filtration equipment that has been purchased and brought on-site to be installed as part of the comprehensive site plan and odor remediation plan proposed by Verano Holdings once local permits are issued. (Courtesy photo)
Verano plans to mitigate cannabis odor at Readington facility
For several months, Brenda Omilian has struggled to escape from potent smell that she described as akin to that of a skunk.
The stench was there as she left for work in the morning, and still there as she tended to her garden in the afternoon. It came in through closed doors and windows at night.
“I told my daughter about the smell and she said, ‘Mom, it’s not a skunk. It’s the pot place across the street,’” Omilian said.
Last year, Verano Holdings, one of the nation’s largest medical marijuana cultivators, opened a new facility in an abandoned Walmart on Route 22 in Readington Township.
Dozens of township residents like Omilian have complained to both the township and the police over the last several months about the odor, which Mayor John Albanese said escaping the facility because Verano Holdings has yet to fully retrofit the building to contain it.
“If you look in the front parking lot, there are all these big duct work and air handlers. They take up a significant part of the parking lot, and those are still to be installed,” Albanese said. “So all of the retrofitting of the building that they’re doing is not complete … They have air conditioning units going in, air handlers, charcoal filtration — they still have to do all that.”
The company appeared before the Planning Board in April seeking approval to retrofit the building in order to mitigate the odor.
“They testified in the planning board meeting under oath that it is going to be 100% contained, and they’re committed to being a good neighbor and a good tax revenue generator for the township,” Albanese said.
Patrick Skarr, a spokesperson for Verano Holdings, told NJ Advance Media the company is in the process of getting approval for a comprehensive site plan that includes measures to mitigate the odor.
This plan was filed to the township in 2019, Skarr said, and over the last year there has been “much sustained and regular contact” between Verano Holdings and the township in response to concerns from neighbors about the smell.
He said the company intends to install additional carbon filters and further seal the facility to reduce the smell.
“We are optimistic that the engineering reviews will end shortly so that work can begin,” Skarr said. “We have the equipment on-site and will begin work as soon as local approvals are granted and permits are issued.”
Once Verano Holdings receives the proper permits, the instillation is expected to take approximately six weeks, he added.
Skarr noted that some odor mitigation systems have already been implemented at the facility, although it’s “not as comprehensive as we would prefer.”
Giovanni Finazzo, owner of Mangia Bella, an Italian restaurant located next door to the facility, told NJ Advance Media many of his customers are refusing to sit outside because of the smell.
“We need help. We really do. We need people to recognize this,” Omilian said.
Lyle Armstrong, who lives a block from the facility, said the smell keeps him up through the night.
“The smells are intolerable. And they’re getting worse constantly,” Armstrong said. “People are unhappy, and they want answers.”
Skarr said he believes the mitigation plan will address neighbor’s concerns.
“We are confident our action plan will significantly reduce odors in the area and address concerns raised by neighbors,” Skarr said. “We appreciate the partnership of Readington Township and the opportunity to operate a state-of-the-art cultivation center to help New Jersey realize the full benefits of cannabis legalization.
“And we want the community to know that as soon as we get these permits, we’re going to get to work. We’re ready to go, and we’ll do what’s right to get the concerns addressed shortly.”
— Caroline Fassett | NJ.com
Canva.com stock photo
We surveyed 300 of the most populous municipalities on where they stand
Municipalities have less than month left to decide whether to welcome or ban cannabis businesses, or else they automatically adopt the standard rules in the legal cannabis law.
While some local officials have complained about a lack of guidance — and the rules and regulations pending from the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission — many have been busy drafting and passing ordinances to guide the weed business within their borders.
And we’ve been following their every move. We reached out to New Jersey’s 300 most populous municipalities and tracking statewide news daily as more pass ordinances.
2021 TOWNS DATABASE: Use code SUBSCRIBER for 20% off.
A majority of residents in all but two municipalities in the state voted to legalize cannabis. But far fewer towns and cities have rolled out the welcome mat.
Ahead of the Aug. 21 deadline to decide, more than 200 have finalized their decision or indicated which way they’re leaning. We compiled an extensive list, and will continue to update it as more cities and towns make their decisions.
What we’ve seen so far is a lot of cold feet. At least 130 municipalities (23% of the total) have banned, are in the process of blocking or have sent up a signal that they won’t welcome cannabis businesses. A lot here are taking the wait and see approach, and could change their minds next year. But they don’t want to be part of New Jersey’s cannabis experiment.
On the other hand, 90 municipalities (about 16%) have said yes or have indicated their openness. But these towns have taken varying approaches; some will allow cultivation only, others indicating they just want two dispensaries and mapping out where to put them.
We should have a clear picture of the state come Aug. 21.
To purchase a copy of the 2021 database, follow this link. Subscribers should use discount code SUBSCRIBER for 20% off the $2,000 listed price.
— NJ Cannabis Insider staff
Why municipalities should welcome cannabis dispensaries – and tell a neighbor
By Rob Mejia, an adjunct professor at Stockton University where he teaches the following courses: Introduction to Medical Cannabis, Preparation for Cannabis Internship, and a newly created Social Justice and Cannabis course. He is also the author of “The Essential Cannabis Book and The Essential Cannabis Journal.” His cannabis education company is Our Community Harvest.
It is a common scene. As more states legalize adult use cannabis, some towns decide to allow dispensaries to open and the first few weeks are marked by long lines, increased traffic, and a temporary swell in population. This scene is also featured in media from local newspapers to television news shows to national media. And some council members and mayors are worried about what this looks like in their town.
I would suggest that they are worrying unnecessarily and that the real root of their hesitation is still stigma and a lack of understanding about what really happens in a cannabis dispensary.
Think about it. In townships across New Jersey the following events occur on a regular basis:
Music concertsFood festivals and cooking contestsSporting events and tournamentsReligious servicesMovie nightsChick-fil-A openings
In each case, these events and businesses also create long lines, increase traffic, and frankly, attract customers because there is a demand for these services and entertainment. And guess who the people are who are in these lines attending these events? That’s right, they are the same citizens who voted to legalize adult use cannabis in New Jersey, and they live in your town. So, why would you send business to another municipality when you could be creating jobs and generational wealth while enjoying the fruits of a community-involved, compliant business?
Here are some things you should tell your neighbors or town leaders about dispensaries that may put their minds at ease. In simplest terms, they are a compliant retailer. They have a security team and plenty of security cameras, which capture activity in the parking lot, all over the facility and even the perimeter of the property. This footage can be accessed by the local police at any time. IDs are always checked as customers enter the building and are often checked a second time. No one under 21 is allowed in the dispensary (compare this policy to a liquor store where you can bring your children inside).
You are served by knowledgeable employees — who are often township residents — whose primary concern is your health and wellbeing. The dispensary makes cannabis education in the form of brochures, pamphlets, posters, in person counseling and via their website easily accessible.
Most facilities offer or mandate online ordering which means your order is waiting for you when you arrive. This makes for an efficient visit.
Dispensaries then, are secure, efficient, compliant retailers and the best ones engage with and become an anchor and employer in the community.
But don’t take my word for it, if you are an elected official and have not been inside a dispensary, I would highly encourage you to do so. If you are looking for an investment, you may even want to consider purchasing adjoining buildings and property as property values increase around dispensaries.
If a cannabis dispensary is treated like any other retailer, I would argue that they can be an asset to the community. Let’s take the example of a Chick-fil-a opening. In my neighborhood, a Chick-fil-a recently opened and surprise, traffic was backed up on Route 17, police were employed to handle traffic, and the parking lot and restaurant were filled. Especially during the first three weeks and for a few days around holidays, this active scene repeats itself. Some adjoining retailers also benefitted as before or after grabbing the holy grail chicken sandwich, groceries were picked up, apparel was purchased, and gas stations were visited.
Personally, I do not eat fast food or chicken sandwiches, but I understand that Chick-fil-a (though I vastly disagree with their corporate politics) produces taxes, creates jobs, and satisfies my community’s taste buds. Another business that does the same is a cannabis dispensary.
Expect the initial traffic and crowds but like Chick-fil-a, a cannabis dispensary can simply be a part of your community that you may or may not chose to visit.
The U.S. Capitol Building (Associated Press file photo by Patrick Semansky)
With Congress moving faster, lobbyist spending has gone up, up, up
To see how fast the cannabis industry has grown, just look at lobbying reports.
For the three-month period ending June 30, 170 reports were filed by companies and lobbying firms listing cannabis or marijuana as one of the issues they were lobbying on. That was a 431% increase over the same period four years earlier, when only 32 such reports were filed with the U.S. Senate.
Those companies and law firms reported spending $45.1 million on all lobbying during those three months, 12 times higher than the $3.7 million spent during the same period in 2017.
“Cannabis is a growth industry in more ways than one,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics. “It’s unusual for the number of people lobbying on an issue to have risen at all — much less fivefold — during a period when the overall number of lobbyists has shrunk. But over the last several years, the cannabis industry has taken off, and taken a lot of heat — an opportune scenario for K Street.”
While the major cannabis players, such as the National Cannabis Industry Association and National Cannabis were all represented, others who reported they were lobbying on weed included the Beer Institute, National Association of Broadcasters and Paypal.
Not everyone lobbying on cannabis have the same goals and interests, said Justin Strekal, political director for NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
“As federal policy reform continues to grow in inevitability, more and more companies are retaining private lobbyists to represent solely their own corporate interests as opposed to investing in the advocacy that led to the birth of the legal industry and the legal rights and freedoms of their consumers,” Strekal said. “Most of the new entrants to the lobbying space have no concept of how we got here and no plan to move forward other than expanding their client’s bottom line.”
The sharp increase in lobbying came as the Senate for the first time is poised to debate legislation to end the federal ban on cannabis, expunge certain drug convictions, and assist individuals and communities ravaged by the War on Drugs.
The House passed such a bill in December and reintroduced the measure in May.
While previous efforts to end the federal ban on cannabis went nowhere in a Republican-controlled Senate, Democrats now are in control of the chamber.
U.S. Sen Cory Booker, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., have proposed legislation to decriminalize cannabis and allow states to decide whether to make it legal, expunge nonviolent marijuana crimes, and tax weed on the federal level to fund efforts to undo the damage caused by the drug war.
— Jonathan Salant | NJ.com
Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.
Happy Munkey’s bring cannabis culture to the Van Gogh experience
HappyMunkey, a New York City cannabis lifestyle purveyor, has curated a waterfront consumption lounge experience at the popular “Immersive Van Gogh” exhibit in NYC.
The after hours event, 9-11 p.m., is for guests 21 and older. Organizers encourage you to “BYOC” (bring your own cannabis), but there is no smoking inside or in front of the exhibition venue.
For tickets and information, go here.
Jelani Gibson is the lead reporter for Cannabis Insider. He previously covered gun violence for the Kansas City Star.
Amanda Hoover is a reporter covering the cannabis industry for NJ.com and The Star-Ledger. She previously covered crime and courts across New Jersey.
Susan K. Livio is a Statehouse reporter for The Star-Ledger and NJ.com who covers health, social policy and politics
Jonathan D. Salant is Washington correspondent for The Star-Ledger and NJ.com.
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