State reports average of daily sales of medical pot nears $900,000
2 min read
HOT SPRINGS – According to a report by the state treasury released last week, the median daily sales for medical marijuana reached nearly $ 900,000 for the 31-day reporting period that ended April 11.
The 32 pharmacies that were operational as of April 11th reported sales of $ 27 million with £ 3,730 sold.
Average daily sales during the 31 days were nearly 30% higher than the 23-day reporting period that ended March 11th.
Patients have purchased more than 40,000 pounds of marijuana since the drug was first legally sold by the state in May 2019.
The Tax Procedure Act prohibits the state from publishing revenue figures for individual pharmacies. Overall, they reported sales of $ 285 million as of April 11, averaging $ 16 per gram.
Suite 443, one of two licensed pharmacies in Garland County, ranked third for the 31-day period ending April 11, with sales of £ 276.68. The Malvern Avenue location was ranked third for the second consecutive reporting period and the top 5 for the seventh consecutive reporting period.
Green Springs Medical, the only licensed pharmacy in the Hot Springs city limits, ranked 10th for the period ended April 11, reporting £ 167.71 in sales. The Seneca Street location was ranked 11th or 12th in the last five sales reports.
The ReLeaf Center’s reported sales of £ 373.38 led all pharmacies. The Benton-ville location has topped nine of the last ten sales reports and holds the overall sales lead. More than £ 4,600 has been sold since it opened in August 2019.
Natural Relief was second in sales for the third reporting period in a row. The Sherwood site reported sales of £ 318.59. Plant Family Therapeutics in Mountain Home came fourth with sales of £ 250.45.
The Ministry of Finance and Administration announced that six more pharmacies are currently opening.
The Medical Marijuana Commission has issued 38 of the 40 dispenser licenses allowed by the state constitutional amendment passed by voters in 2016. The amendment approved the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
The number of active patient cards increased by more than 3,500 from March 20 to April 10, according to statistics from the Arkansas Department of Health.
More than 74,000 Arcansan had active cards on April 10th.
Doctors can no longer use telemedicine to certify conditions suitable for medical marijuana use. The March 31 Executive Order, which extended the state’s public health emergency to May 30, did not extend the ordinance issued in April last year that allowed state agencies to suspend any law or regulation that they may have prevent them from providing services during the emergency.
The health department had invoked the order to enable doctors to use telemedicine to certify qualification requirements.
As of April 1st, a written medical certificate requires a personal assessment.
The change from medical marijuana conditioned the issuance of a written certificate of a doctor’s assessment of the patient’s medical history and current condition.
The doctor must certify that “the qualified patient has a qualified disease and the potential benefits of medicinal marijuana use are likely to outweigh the health risks for the qualified patient,” the amendment said.