March 2, 2025

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Strong Support For The Legalization Of Medical Cannabis In Costa Rica Is Indicated By Almost All Political Parties of The Country

4 min read

The candidates from the National Liberation (PLN), Christian Social Unity (PUSC) and Citizen Action (PAC) parties showed strong support for the legalization of medical cannabis. Of the eleven applicants, eight are in favor, one is against, and two other applicants have received no response.

In the case of the Liberationists, there are two candidates who are MPs and have the power to influence the approval of a bill in this direction. They are Carlos Ricardo Benavides and Roberto Thompson, both green and white lawmakers. Both support the initiative of the independent legislator Zoila Rosa Volio. File 21.388 was decided by the Environment Commission last November, but the Presidential Office has made no progress since then.

“From the beginning, I was in favor of the deputy Zoila Volio’s project for industrial hemp and medicinal cannabis,” said Benavides. “I think this is a great opportunity for the country to create wealth and employment in many regions of Costa Rica,” he added.

Other liberationists willing to legalize medical cannabis are José María Figueres and Rolando Araya. “I would legalize medical cannabis based on the abundance of scientific evidence in its favor. In addition, it would allow the cultivation of hemp as a viable alternative for our farmers, ”Figueres wrote on his social networks.

For his part, Araya admitted to agreeing on the basis of the expert investigations, although he saw it first as moving the country forward. “It’s like the house is on fire and they ask about the color of the curtains, which will be later,” he said.

Vote against

The only one against the production on Costa Rican soil is the candidate Claudio Alpízar. He is only inclined to import the product. “I don’t think it’s a solution for the Costa Rican economy, nor do I think it’s a public health essential, but as it is a drug that is used in some places to appease , the best is the import. “he argued.

PUSC very much for it

Two Christian Socialist candidates supported the initiative because of the economic benefits that production and marketing in Costa Rica would bring. For aspiring Pedro Muñoz, at the economic moment the country is in, it is vital to approve the initiative to create new income and jobs.

The social Christian Erwen Masís is also inclined to agree to the initiative. Both he and Muñoz, who are currently MPs, can cast their votes if the project is up for discussion in plenary. As for the red and blue Lineth Saborío, there has been no response to the request from her campaign team.

The foreign trade promoter (Procomer) published a study last October showing the hemp by-products that Costa Rica could use

The report includes the following:

– Those derived from CBD (cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive element in cannabis) as a dietary supplement, topical solution, or incorporation into food and beverages

– Industrial application products such as bioplastics and sustainable building

– Groceries such as dairy products, baked goods, seeds and snacks

– Personal care products such as soaps and lotions

– Textiles such as clothing and uniforms

PAC is for it too

The trend in favor of the pre-candidates Martha Zamora and Carolina Hidalgo from the Citizen Action Party (PAC) continues. “I am wholeheartedly in favor of Costa Rica promoting the use of alternative medicines, and if legislation in this direction is sought in accordance with the reality in which we live, we have the example of Uruguay, which has done so slowly and scientifically Has.” explained Zamora.

Hidalgo goes even further by agreeing to both the regulation of medicinal cannabis and the legalization of recreational marijuana. “It would bring several benefits to Costa Rica, both economically and healthily. As a country, we have to take this step and equip the state with what is necessary for this, ”said the politician. In the case of PAC candidate Hernán Solano, his spokesman said he would not refer to national issues until he was finally the official candidate.

In 2020, global marketing of CBD products was valued at $ 1,928 million, which, according to Procomer, represents a 57% growth over the 2016-2020 period. Among the large hemp producers, China, Canada, Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador and Paraguay stand out; all in Latin America.

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