March 9, 2025

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UC-San Francisco researcher slams THC limits as ‘reefer madness’

2 min read

A medical chief at the University of California in San Francisco described Florida’s efforts to limit THC to medical marijuana as “misguided” and “poorly informed”.

In letters to two lawmakers from southwest Florida on Monday, Dr. Donald Abrams, former chief of hematology and oncology at Zuckerberg San Francisco Hospital, that research into the medical benefits of smoked cannabis does not support the idea that THC should be limited to the suggested levels.

He sent identical letters to Sen. Ray Rodrigues, an Estero Republican who sponsors sponsorship caps legislation in the Senate (SB 1958), and to Rep. Spencer Roach, who carries a similar bill (HB 1455) in the House.

Legislation puts a 10% cap on THC in smokable marijuana and a 60% cap on extracts.

The legislature in the committee has statements from Dr. Heard Bertha Madras, an anti-cannabis activist who has argued that high potency marijuana poses a health risk. “High potency is associated with more brain changes, addiction, psychosis and hospital stays,” Madras previously told lawmakers.

But Abrams dismisses this as “the Reefer Madness mentality from 90 years ago”.

“We have had the opportunity to disagree on frequent forums and have absolutely no respect for each other’s opinions just to be perfectly clear,” Abrams writes of Madras.

Abrams became aware of the THC limits suggested through contacting One Plant and Brady Cobb, CEO of Bluma Wellness.

Additionally, he said research he oversaw at UC San Francisco found that the highest potency strains of marijuana required the lowest dosage for patients in order to receive medicinal benefits.

“In general, higher potency THC requires less use and is therefore a harm reduction measure contrary to Dr. Madras’ claims,” ​​he wrote.

“The THC content of cannabis available in Dutch pharmacies from their only supplier, Bedrocan, can be checked on the website Of the 5 strains available in pharmacies, the THC content is 22%, 14% and 14% in the THC-dominant strains and 6% and <1% in the cannabidiol-dominant strains. In a study in which the strains were rated for their effectiveness in increasing appetite, the chemovars with higher THC content were rated by patients as more effective than the balanced THC: CBD. "

In other words, those who used stronger drugs took less of them.

This finding appears to be supported by a recent study published by, Abrams notes. There, users were asked about the effects of cannabis with different potencies on the effects on a wide variety of symptoms.

“Inhaled flowers were considered to be the most effective delivery system,” he notes. “The researchers reported that it was THC levels that correlated best with symptom relief as well as side effects, while CBD levels had little effect on either. I’ve always believed that the plant is the best medicine, but when looking for the most bioactive cannabinoid, it is THC, not CBD, that occupies an amazing place in the cannabinoid hierarchy based on little or no scientific evidence evidence has risen. “

Abrams stressed that legislation should simply stay away from cap legislation.

“I hope the state of Florida goes beyond the forbidden rhetoric of the drug addict and understands the wisdom of not limiting the THC content of medicinal cannabis offered to patients,” he wrote. “The state is better off limiting the alcohol content of beverages if you’re really looking for some harm reduction measure.”

For patient advocates, the letter is that validation caps don’t make sense.

“There is no scientific, medical or public health basis to enforce the proposed changes,” said Ben Pollera, executive director of Florida For Care. “Indeed, the abundance of evidence is primarily on the other side . This is the cure of the legislature in search of a disease, and for them it is sick people who smoke a pot. “

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