Will This State Be the Next to Legalize Medical Marijuana?
2 min read
A year or two ago it would have been almost unthinkable to believe that any part of the south – a region traditionally dead against any Kind of marijuana law reform – even thought about legalizing weed. But what a difference just a handful of months can make.
In this video, longtime Fool writer Eric Volkman identifies a neighborhood state that appears ready and willing to legalize cannabis, at least to a limited extent. this Motley Fool Live The conversation with the chief of the health and cannabis bureau, Corinne Cardina, was recorded on 16th of July.
Corinne Cardina: Let’s go a little south to my home state, where I am now, that’s my nursery, North Carolina. Surprisingly – at least to me – North Carolina has seen some developments.
My question to you is, could the Tar Heel State be the next to flip the medical switch?
Eric Volkmann: If I were a bettor, which I am not, but if I were I would be placing a pretty big bet on North Carolina.
The very fact that they have gone this far, the legislation they are currently drafting through the state legislative system is the first proposal they have ever considered about marijuana. That alone is a very encouraging sign.
You start slowly. Pretty typical of Southern states – who have tended to be a bit more conservative and a bit more reluctant to welcome the marijuana industry over the years – they’re just considering getting into medicine for now.
But even that is a big leap, as the southern states, including North Carolina, had long resisted any kind of marijuana legalization. I’m even talking about decriminalization. That wasn’t really a thing in this region of the country. The fact that they are even talking about legalizing every facet of it is a huge leap for this state.