February 21, 2025

Local MMJ News

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Wyoming Medical Marijuana Ballot Initiative

1 min read

On Friday, members of the Libertarian Party of Wyoming and others who want to see changes to Wyoming’s pot laws were introduced proposed voting initiatives to the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State to legalize medical marijuana in Wyoming and decriminalize (but not legalize) cannabis for personal use.

Supporters have until the end of July 2022 to collect enough signatures from voters registered in Wyoming to receive the proposals in front of voters on Election Day 2022.

Yesterday we conducted an online survey on the decriminalization proposal. You can access it Poll here. Today we are asking about the other electoral initiative – the legalization of medical marijuana.

Should Wyoming Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis For Disease? Take part in our survey and tell us what you think!

LOOK: Here are 30 foods that are toxic to dogs

To prepare for a possible incident, always have your veterinarian’s phone number ready, along with an out-of-hours office hour to call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline that you can call (888) 426-4435 for advice.

However, despite all of these resources, the best cure for food poisoning is to prevent it in the first place. To give you an idea of ​​which foods can be dangerous to humans, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods you should avoid. See if there is anything that surprises you.