Hayes uses holistic approach to job
3 min read
LIMA – Joshua Hayes wants to be Lima’s next mayor. To do this, he has to be one of the two top voters in the non-partisan mayor’s primary school on May 4th.
He runs against Elizabeth Hardesty, Sharetta Smith and Autumn Swanson in the non-partisan elections.
“I want to become mayor of Lima because our city and its people need healing. So much suffering is happening now and I believe it’s a product of our policies and our priorities, ”Hayes said in an email about our questions. “In order for our city to become something better, we need a change of leadership and a change of focus. We will not achieve different results with the same responsible persons. We can no longer rely on the same people who caused this problem to fix it. My vision for Lima is about empowered people who are supported to achieve positive and sustainable results. The aim of this initiative is to make our city safe and beautiful – to link and create funding and manpower for Lima service organizations so that together we can create a space that promotes growth and development for all, in order to fight against disease and poverty to end and addiction by implementing holistic methods to improve results and create sustainability for Lima by growing our own food and medicines. “
Hayes hopes his experience as a small business owner will guide him.
“I’ve seen firsthand how government regulations often hinder the growth and development of businesses while people in the community suffer because they cannot get the services they need to survive. We will support private sector companies so that they can provide essential services in ways the government is not set up to do, ”said Hayes. “I also believe that we have a collective and social responsibility to help those who have problems and are less fortunate. We must give our police and fire services our full support while continuing to find ways to facilitate their work by focusing on the root causes of violent crime and social unrest. “
Hayes has been a chiropractor in Lima for more than 10 years. According to a March 19, 2021 article in the Lima News, his license to practice was suspended for one year (six months of that suspension remained) after an Ohio State Chiropractic Board investigation found him for nine violations, six of them relating to the Treatment of patients.
Hayes was fined $ 5,000 and completed 36 hours of continuous documentation on clinical documentation in the chiropractic practice.
Hayes had previously been tried for five years by the Ohio State Chiropractic Board after being convicted of a fifth degree felony in the state of Minnesota for possession of marijuana.
Hayes calls himself an “advocate for cannabis as medicine”.
“As a doctor, I (I) have researched, read the studies, and seen the amazing benefits of medicinal cannabis for so many. I am proposing an ordinance to make the city of Lima like many other cities in Ohio and states across the country to decriminalize offenses against cannabis crimes. We have already collected over 400 signatures and it is planned that this new proposed regulation will be elected on November 3rd. Cannabis is a tool to improve health outcomes in our city and end the opiate problem that plagues our people and families, ”said Hayes.
Contact Sam Shriver at 567-242-0409.