School Board considers policy on medical marijuana for students
1 min read
SIOUX FALLS, SD ( – Sioux Falls Schools Board has started implementing a new policy on the use of medical marijuana by students. The guideline received its first reading at the school committee meeting on August 9th. The directive restricts the use of medicinal cannabis during school Hours and school sponsored activities unless recommended by a practitioner, the administration of medicinal cannabis cannot be reasonably accomplished outside of school hours or school-funded activities.
The district will admit students with a valid medical cannabis registration card South Dakota Law on the Administration of Medical Cannabis on School Premises or at School Sponsored One Activity by their parent / guardian or other registered named carer in in accordance with this policy and South Dakota law.
School staff will not administer the drug and schools will not store marijuana.
The second reading for the directive will take place at the school committee meeting on September 13th.
The full policy is available on the district website.